Academic Publications
Caesar is a project from a collaboration of the Chair for Software Modeling and Verification (MOVES) at RWTH Aachen University, the QUAVE group at Saarland University, the PPLV group at University College London and the SSE section at Denmark Technical University.
If you are interested in collaborations or simply have some questions, please reach out to Philipp Schroer (
For publications about Caesar, please cite our OOPSLA '23 paper (BibTeX file):
Philipp Schröer, Kevin Batz, Benjamin Lucien Kaminski, Joost-Pieter Katoen, Christoph Matheja. A Deductive Verification Infrastructure for Probabilistic Programs. Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 7, OOPSLA 2023. DOI:
AISoLA '24: A Game-Based Semantics for the Probabilistic Intermediate Verification Language HeyVL
The publication "A Game-Based Semantics for the Probabilistic Intermediate Verification Language HeyVL" by Christoph Matheja was published at AISoLA 2024. DOI:
Quoting from its abstract:
[T]he original language [HeyVL] lacked a formal “ground truth” in terms of a small-step operational semantics that enables an intuitive reading of HeyVL programs.
In this paper, we define an operational semantics for a cleaned-up version of HeyVL in terms of refereed stochastic games, a novel extension of simple stochastic games in which a referee may perform quantitative reasoning about the expected outcome of sub-games and give one player an advantage if those sub-game are outside of certain boundaries.
This new operational semantics is aimed at improved intuition and ergonomics of HeyVL, as well as a possible future work enabling other verification backends such as ones based on probabilistic model checking tools.
OOPSLA '23: A Deductive Verification Infrastructure for Probabilistic Programs
HeyVL and Caesar were first published at OOPSLA '23: A Deductive Verification Infrastructure for Probabilistic Programs by Schröer et al.
For publication, please cite as follows (BibTeX file):
Philipp Schröer, Kevin Batz, Benjamin Lucien Kaminski, Joost-Pieter Katoen, Christoph Matheja. A Deductive Verification Infrastructure for Probabilistic Programs. Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 7, OOPSLA 2023. DOI:
An extended version with proofs and details on encodings is available on arXiv: A Deductive Verification Infrastructure for Probabilistic Programs (extended version) — arXiv:2309.07781.
The artifact for our OOPSLA '23 publication is available on Zenodo. During artifact evaluation, it received the reusable badge.
Master Thesis '22: A Deductive Verifier for Probabilistic Programs
Caesar is based on a 2022 Master thesis by Philipp Schroer entitled "A Deductive Verifier for Probabilistic Programs".