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Optimizations & Alternative Implementations

By default, Caesar uses a set of optimizations to speed up validity checking of verification conditions. You can experiment with them by disabling them and choosing between alternative implementations of some algorithms.

Command-Line Options

See --help for more detailed information.

  • Disabling quantifier elimination: --no-qelim.
  • Strict verification condition unfolding: --strict.
  • Enable e-graph optimization: --egraph. The result is currently not used for the SMT encoding.

Compilation Options

Most of Caesar's behaviour can be changed with command-line flags, but there are three possible SMT encodings of the EUReal type which must be chosen from at compile time.

Compile with --features datatype-eureal to build an executable that encodes EUReal values using SMT-LIB datatypes instead of an encoding that uses a Boolean and a Real number directly. Our experiments have shown that this is usually slower.

You can also compile with --features datatype-eureal-funcs to use the datatype SMT-LIB encoding where additionally implementations of multiplications, additions, and less-than-or-equal relations are encoded as SMT-LIB functions. This is the slowest encoding, but it's the easiest to read.