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Procedures and Coprocedures

HeyVL statements are placed inside the body of (co)procedures or (co)procs for short. A procedure has a name, a list of parameters, a list of return values, and a list of specification attributes. Caesar tries to verify each procedure in the given HeyVL files using the specification. Coprocedures are like procedures, but the specification is interpreted differently (see below).

Procedures can be called inside other procedures. This enables modular reasoning about code: Prove that some code satisfies the specification once, and then use the specification when at the call site - without reasoning about the procedure's body again.

There are also procedures without an associated body. They are not verified by Caesar, but can be called inside other procedures.

Procs by Example: Increment With 50% Probability

The following procedure named maybe_increment increments the value of the input parameter init_x by one with probability 50% and leaves it unchanged with 50% probability, returning the result in output parameter x.

proc maybe_increment(init_x: UInt) -> (x: UInt)
pre init_x + 0.5
post x
x = init_x
var prob_choice: Bool = flip(0.5)
if prob_choice {
x = x + 1
} else {}

Verifying this proc checks the following equation:

init_x+0.5preprocEbody(xpost) . \underbrace{\mathtt{init\_x} + 0.5}_\texttt{pre} \quad\underbrace{\leq}_\texttt{proc}\quad \underbrace{\mathbb{E}}_\text{body}(\underbrace{\mathtt{x}}_\texttt{post})~.

Let us decompose the example into its parts:

  1. Keyword proc: We verify that init_x+0.5E(x)\mathtt{init\_x} + 0.5 \leq \mathbb{E}(\mathtt{x}) holds, i.e. the expected value of x after executing maybe_increment is at least init_x + 0.5.
    • If we used the coproc keyword instead, we would verify init_x+0.5E(x)\mathtt{init\_x} + 0.5 \geq \mathbb{E}(\mathtt{x}) (upper instead of lower bounds).
  2. We have one input parameter init_x of type UInt.
    • Input parameters may not be modified in the program.
  3. We have one output parameter x of type UInt.
    • There may be multiple parameters (input and output), which can be separated by commas (e.g. init_x: UInt, init_y: UInt).
  4. The pre declares the pre-expectation init_x + 0.5. It is evaluated in the initial state (when calling the proc). This is why it is called "pre" (= before running the proc).
    • The pre is an expression of type EUReal over the input parameters.
  5. The post is the post-expectation x and evaluated in the final states of the proc (post = after running the proc). We always compare its expected value against the pre.
    • The post is an expression of type EUReal over the input and output parameters.
  6. The body of the proc assigns init_x to x. We then do a probabilistic coin flip and assign true to prob_choice with probability 0.5 (and false with probability 0.5). It determines the expected value (E\mathbb{E}) we look at.

Different specifications yield different results. Remember that we have E(x)=init_x+0.5\mathbb{E}(\mathtt{x}) = \mathtt{init\_x} + 0.5.

procinit_x + 0.4xYesinit_x+0.4E(x)\mathtt{init\_x} + 0.4 \leq \mathbb{E}(\mathtt{x}).
procinit_x + 0.6xNoinit_x+0.6≰E(x)\mathtt{init\_x} + 0.6 \not\leq \mathbb{E}(\mathtt{x}).
coprocinit_x + 0.6xYesinit_x+0.6E(x)\mathtt{init\_x} + 0.6 \geq \mathbb{E}(\mathtt{x}).
coprocinit_x + 0.4xNoinit_x+0.4≱E(x)\mathtt{init\_x} + 0.4 \not\geq \mathbb{E}(\mathtt{x}).

Writing Specifications

The specifications in HeyVL follow the probabilistic predicate transformer paradigm. Caesar transforms a post backwards through the program to compute its expected value. The result is then checked against the pre, for each possible initial state.

There is an inductive definition on the statements documentation page for the verification pre-expectation transformer vpS(φ)\mathrm{vp}\llbracket{}S\rrbracket(\varphi) that Caesar uses to compute the expected value of the post φ\varphi after running statements SS. However, for now it is sufficient to think of expected values as they intuitively are.

The Specification Type: EUReal for Quantitative Reasoning

In HeyVL, the pre and post expressions have type EUReal, i.e. non-negative real numbers or infinity. We have EUReal={xRx0}{}\texttt{EUReal} = \set{ x \in \mathbb{R} \mid x \geq 0 } \cup \set{ \infty }.

This allows us to reason about various kinds expected values of probabilistic programs. However, all of these expected values are limited to non-negative values. This is seldom a practical limitation.1

HeyVL supports the syntax of the relatively complete assertion language by Batz et al. This means we can express practically all expected values of interest in our syntax. For more information, read the Caesar documentation on relative completeness.

Embedding Boolean Specifications

The vp\mathrm{vp} semantics of HeyVL is a generalization of classical (Boolean) predicate transformer reasonining as found in verifiers such as Dafny. The Boolean reasoning can be fully embedded into our quantitative setting.

The embed expression ?(b) takes a Boolean expression b and maps it to \infty if b evaluates to true in the current state. Otherwise, ?(b) evaluates to 00.

The following procedure named forty_two accepts a single parameter, x of type UInt and returns a value y of type UInt. The procedure has a body with just a single assignment statement that increments x by 1 and saves the result in y.

proc forty_two(x: UInt) -> (y: UInt)
pre ?(x == 41)
post ?(y == 42)
y = x + 1

The proc verifies that y == 42 holds after all executions (post) when we started in a state that satisfied x == 41 (pre).

Why do the semantics work out so neatly? Let's examine the semantics manually to see how it works. Recall that the verification pre-expectation transformer vpS(φ)\mathrm{vp}\llbracket{S}\rrbracket(\varphi) in effect computes the expected value E(φ)\mathbb{E}(\varphi) of φ\varphi after running statement SS.

?(x=41)vpS(?(y=42))iff?(x=41)?(y=x+1)Assume x=41 holds, then we have ?(x=41)= and thus:iff?(y=x+1)iff=?(y=x+1)iffy = x + 1iffy = 42Assume x=41 does not hold, then we have ?(x=41)=0 and thus:iff0?(y=x+1)ifftrue\newcommand{\embed}[1]{\mathrm{?}({#1})} \begin{align*} && \embed{x = 41} &\quad\leq\quad \mathrm{vp}\llbracket{S}\rrbracket(\embed{y = 42}) \tag{the specification} \\ \text{iff}\quad && \embed{x = 41} &\quad\leq\quad \embed{y = x + 1} \tag{$\mathrm{vp}$ semantics} \\ \clap{\text{Assume $x = 41$ holds, then we have $\embed{x = 41} = \infty$ and thus:}} \\ \text{iff}\quad && \infty &\quad\leq\quad \embed{y = x + 1} \tag{$\mathrm{vp}$ semantics} \\ \text{iff}\quad && \infty &\quad=\quad \embed{y = x + 1} \tag{$\embed{b} \in \set{0, \infty}$} \\ \text{iff}\quad && \clap{y = x + 1} \tag{$\mathrm{vp}$ semantics} \\ \text{iff}\quad && \clap{y = 42} \tag{assumption $x = 41$} \\ \clap{\text{Assume $x = 41$ does not hold, then we have $\embed{x = 41} = 0$ and thus:}} \\ \text{iff}\quad && 0 &\quad\leq\quad \embed{y = x + 1} \tag{$\mathrm{vp}$ semantics} \\ \text{iff}\quad && \mathrm{true} \end{align*}

So if we assume x=41x = 41 holds in the beginning, then we know that y=42y = 42 holds afterwards. If we assume x41x \neq 41, then we know nothing (true\mathrm{true}) about the final state.

In short: we can use embed expressions ?(b) to write Boolean assumptions in the pre and Boolean assertions in the post.

Embedding Boolean Specifications in Coprocedures

The same kind of reasoning for embedding Boolean specifications applies to coprocedures. However, there is one thing to be careful about: We usually need to negate the Boolean specification to obtain the "intuitive" result.

TLDR: In coprocedures, you'll usually want to use !?(b) instead of ?(b).

Accidental Incorrectness Reasoning

Consider the following modified example which always assigns y = 42.

coproc forty_two_upper(x: UInt) -> (y: UInt)
pre ?(x == 41)
post ?(y == 42)
y = 42

This will not verify because it actually checks ?(x=41)vpS(?(y=42))\texttt{?}(x = 41) \geq \mathrm{vp}\llbracket{S}\rrbracket(\texttt{?}(y = 42)), which is equivalent to (42=42)(x=41)(42 = 42) \Rightarrow (x = 41), i.e. the only way the coprocedure does not verify is if there is an initial state satisfying 42=4242 = 42 such that x=41x = 41 does not hold. But since all states satisfy 42=4242 = 42, e.g. the initial state x=0x = 0 is a counter-example to verification.

One can understand this as an instance of Reverse Hoare Logic or (Partial) Incorrectness Reasoning, i.e. asking a question of the form: "Do all initial states that reach y=42y = 42 satisfy x=41x = 41?".

How To: Obtaining the above formula via --print-theorem --no-slice-error.

Using the --print-theorem command-line flag, you can print the theorem Caesar tries to prove about your (co)procedures. The result will have some optimizations applied, but it might be helpful to understand what exactly is being verified. We recommend adding the --no-slice-error flag to obtain a simpler version that is not cluttered with stuff from slicing for error messages. For example:

caesar verify --print-theorem --no-slice-error example.heyvl

Usually You Want !?(b)

We often write !?(b) to abbreviate ?(!(b)), i.e. mapping b to 00 if it is true and to \infty otherwise.2

coproc forty_two_upper2(x: UInt) -> (y: UInt)
pre !?(x == 41)
post !?(y == 42)
y = 42

In this example, the pre works as expected. It tells the verifier to verify only from initial states that satisfy x=41x = 41. And the post encodes that we reach y=42y = 42 — the set of initial states that reach y42y \neq 42 contains only states that satisfy x41x \neq 41.

Multiple Or No pre/post Annotations

Multiple pre and post annotations are logically combined.3 is the minimum operator and maximum operator (see expressions documentation).

pre A pre Bpost C post D
procpre (A ⊓ B)post (C ⊓ D)
coprocpre (A ⊔ B)post (C ⊔ D)

In procs, we combine pres and posts with the minimum . In coprocs, the combination is dual and uses the maximum .

This generalizes the Boolean setting neatly:

pre ?(A) pre ?(B)post ?(C) post ?(D)
procpre ?(A && B)post ?(C && D)
coprocpre ?(A || B)post ?(C || D)

If we use !?(b) in coprocs, then we obtain that pre !?(A) pre !?(B) is equivalent to pre !?(A && B) as one might expect. Same for post annotations.

The specification is optional; if it's not provided, Caesar will add a default specification: pre ?(true) and post ?(true) for procedures and pre ?(false) and post ?(false) for coprocedures.

The defaults correspond to the empty conjunction (=true\bigwedge \emptyset = \mathrm{true}) and empty disjunction (=false\bigvee \emptyset = \mathrm{false}). The quantitative setting behaves the same, we have inf=\inf \emptyset = \infty and sup=0\sup \emptyset = 0.

Procedures Without a Body

Procedures and coprocedures can be written without a corresponding body. This allows us to program from specifications, i.e. write and verify programs incrementally. We can start with a specification and step-by-step fill in executable code (or just don't if we don't feel like it).

Since procedure calls only need the callee specification, we can just write a procedure specification and use it in other places. There does not need to be procedure body of the callee at all.

This can be used to introduce unsoundness even without using assume statements. Calling the following procedure is essentially the same as writing assume ?(false).

proc unsound() -> ()
pre ?(true)
post ?(false)

Calling Procedures

We can call procs from procs and coprocs from coprocs. Mixing both is unsound and will result in an error. In the following, we will talk about procedures, but everything applies to coprocedures as well.

Procedure calls make use of the procedure's specification only and do not inspect the procedure body. Somewhat informally, we could say that assuming the callee procedure verifies, the procedure call can be replaced by the procedure's body and the program will still verify. This enables modular reasoning: one can verify a big program and we can re-use already-verified parts of it in other parts.

Example: A Spare Engine

The following example models running an engine with a spare engine available. In runPrimaryOrSpare, the primary engine works with probability of 90%. If it fails, we have another spare available that is guaranteed to work with the same probability.

proc spare() -> (working: Bool)
pre 0.9
post [working]
working = flip(0.95)

proc runPrimaryOrSpare() -> (working: Bool)
pre 0.99
post [working]
working = flip(0.9)
if !working {
working = spare()
} else {}

The specification of spare says working is true with probability of at least 0.9 (and in fact the coin flip says it is 0.95). Thus, we can verify a success probability of runOrSpare of at least 0.99. However, we cannot verify a lower bound of 0.995 because the specification of spare does not guarantee it (even though it is true here).

Multiple Or No Return Values

If the callee has multiple return values, multiple variables may be assigned to by comma-separating them. For example, if spare returned two variables, we could obtain the results via working1, working2 = spare().

If the callee has no return values, we just call it without the assignment. For example, we simply write spare() as a statement to call it without assignment.

Assert-Assume Understanding of Procedure Calls

Internally, procedure calls are translated to HeyVL verification statements (see statements documentation). We can understand how procedure calls work by understanding this encoding.

During the verification of runPrimaryOrSpare, we replace the call to spare by a sequence of assert, havoc, validate, and assume statements.

proc runPrimaryOrSpare() -> (working: Bool)
pre 0.99
post [working]
working = flip(0.9)
if !working {
assert 0.95
havoc success
assume [success]
} else {}
How To: Obtaining intermediate encodings via --print-core.

To obtain the intermediate encodings from Caesar, we can use the --print-core command-line flag. This will print the fully desugared HeyVL code for each procedure to standard output. For example:

caesar verify  --print-core example.heyvl

We can now read the encoding as follows:

  1. Before the call, assert the pre spare(). This means that the expected value (going backwards) is at most 0.95.
  2. We then forget the current value of success via havoc. This models that spare can have arbitrary effects on return values.
  3. We validate (the following assumption must be absolutely true).
  4. We can only assume the post of spare, i.e. that success is true.

This generalizes the Boolean setting:

  1. Before the call, the pre must hold.
  2. Forget the current value of modified variables.
  3. (The validate does not have any effect in the Boolean setting.)
  4. Assume that the post holds after the call.

A more formal treatment of the encoding and semantics of procedure calls can be found in our OOPSLA '23 paper.


  1. Many verification tasks that require reasoning with negative numbers can be embedded in this framework. First, note that we can still have negative numbers in our program states, we just have to ensure that the post is non-negative. Chapter 11 of the paper "Relatively Complete Verification for Probabilistic Programs" by Batz et al. might be of interest for further reading.

  2. !?(b) is not a special kind of operator, it is simply the ! operator applied to ?(b), i.e. !(?(b)). The negation operator ! is defined on EUReal by !0=!0 = \infty and !x=0!x = 0 for all x0x \neq 0. Thus, !?(b) is logically equivalent to ?(!b). In the OOPSLA '23 paper, we denoted !?(b) by co?(b)\mathrm{co?}(b).

  3. The combination of specifications is a logical consequence of their encodings in HeyVL. When verifying a procedure, pre annotations will be translated to assume and post annotations will be translated to assert statements. One can prove that the HeyVL statements assume A1; assume A2 are equivalent to assume (A1 ⊓ A2), and also that the sequence assert A1; assert A2 is equivalent to assert (A1 ⊓ A2). The same equalities can be used for the procedure call encoding.